First thing!

Make sure that you have check the Help desk first!

Message on screen?

Try to make a reset of the box by unpluggin it from the electricity. 98% of problems are resolved by that.

What is the message?

Try to be in front of the TV at the time of the call or write down the message and make sure to leave the box on (Green light)

Give us a call!

Make sure to have your Viewing Card No (Basic Box: Services > 4 > 5 ) (Sky+HD: Services > 0 > 3) ready. Will be happy to assist you.

  • Address: 145 Rue de Lausanne, 1202 Geneva

  • Hotline: 0900 01 04 15 (M-S: 9am-9pm)

  • Phone: +41 22 901 04 15

  • Fax +41 22 901 04 16